
Our Response to Climate Change


Response to Climate Change

We at the OMRON Group believe that creating sustainable societies in terms of the environment is part of contributing to a better society as stated in the OMRON Principles. In July 2018, we established OMRON Carbon Zero, a goal to achieve zero Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.
In March 2022, we will evolve our efforts to achieve carbon-neutral societies. We have changed our Scope 1 and 2*1 reduction targets from 2°C scenario-based targets to more ambitious 1.5°C scenario-based targets. We have also set a new 2°C scenario-based 18% reduction target for Scope 3 Category 11*2 emissions by the year 2030 (compared with fiscal 2016).
These targets have been approved by SBTi*3, which OMRON endorses.
In February 2019, we expressed our endorsement to the TCFD*4. We intend to proceed with information disclosure in annual reports and other documents in line with TCFD requirements.
In addition, we recognize the importance of activities in industry and trade associations as opportunities to discuss climate-related issues. We participate the Keidanren Environment and Safety Committee and the Liaison Group of Japanese Electrical and Electronics Industries for Global Warming Prevention. The policies and latest trends related to climate change discussed at these meetings are utilized in OMRON Group environmental management measures.

  • *1Scope 1 and 2: Greenhouse gases emitted directly and indirectly from a company’s own businesses
  • *2Scope 3 Category 11: Scope 3 is greenhouse gas emissions from a company's value chain. Within Scope 3, Category 11 is emissions from the use of products, services, etc., manufactured and sold
  • *3SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative): An international initiative that recommends setting medium- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets based on scientific evidence
  • *4TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures): A task force established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting


Scope 1 and 2 (direct greenhouse gas emissions from our company)
  • Fiscal 2050: Zero greenhouse gas emissions
  • Fiscal 2030: 65% reduction*1 (compared to fiscal 2016)
  • Fiscal 2024: 68% reduction*2 (compared to fiscal 2016)
  • Fiscal 2024: Carbon zero for Scope 2 at all 76 sites in Japan
Scope 3: Category 11 (emissions from the use of products, services, etc., manufactured and sold)
  • Fiscal 2030: 18% reduction (compared to fiscal 2016)
  • *1Certified by the SBTi in May 2022
  • *2Revised from 53% reduction in May 2024

Participation in Industry Associations and Initiatives

We support the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, participate actively in industry associations and initiatives that align with our approach and direction, and pursue climate change mitigation and adaption. In these ways, we strive to solve issues related to climate change.

  • TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures)
  • SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative)
  • EP100 (Energy Productivity100%)
  • JCI (Japan Climate Initiative)
  • GX League Basic Concept (sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
  • JEITA Green x Digital Consortium*
  • Keidanren Environment Committee
  • Liaison Group of Japanese Electrical and Electronics Industries for Global Warming Prevention
  • Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation

In starting/renewing industry associations membership, we regularly review and monitor the associations’ activities, to ensure that their positions are aligned with our stance to support the Paris Agreement, our business objectives, focus areas, and business activities.
Should we identify significant misalignments with the organization which we are a member of, we will move forward to take escalation steps. The steps may include, but are not limited to:

  • Issuing an official statement to distance ourselves from the association/initiative
  • Engagement with clear timelines
  • Withdrawing funding
  • Ending membership

In fiscal 2023, there were no significant misalignments found with the trade associations we were in.

  • *The Green x Digital Consortium at JEITA, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, aims to create a platform for understanding the entire supply chain beyond the domain of a single company. This platform includes visualizing the CO2 emissions of the entire electronics and electrical machinery industries.
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