Sustainability Data



Environmental Contribution

Environmental Contribution Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Environmental Contribution thousand
1,055 971 826 881 938 *1
  • *1Environmental Contribution : FY2022 Target:Environmental contribution > CO2 emissions from global production sites

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Carbon Productivity *1 millions of yen/t-CO2 4.47 5.02 6.16 7.02 10.02 *16
Total CO2 Emissions from Production Sites *1 thousand t-CO2 193 135 106 109 87  
GHG Scope 1,2,and 3 Emissions  
Scope1 *2 t-CO2 43,826 34,394 20,047 13,749 4,177 *17
Scope2 *2
t-CO2 190,731 131,696 103,347 108,294 88,231 *18
Scope2 *2
t-CO2 209,465 170,475 143,616 145,363 129,593 *18
Scope3 *3 t-CO2 13,523,036 10,756,793 10,996,115 12,143,757 13,940,198 *19
  Purchased goods and services t-CO2 *4 2,275,908 1,194,191 939,968 1,276,671 1,419,082  
Capital goods  t-CO2 *5 129,349 111,887 74,036 105,987 139,359  
Fuel and energy related activities t-CO2 *6 210,409 171,986 139,556 152,857 141,632  
Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 *7 23,145 47,615 34,496 47,680 41,678  
Waste generated in operations t-CO2 *8 6,717 3,804 2,579 2,643 2,434  
Business travel t-CO2 *9 11,782 18,336 3,559 4,521 5,192  
Employee commuting t-CO2 *10 1,813 3,255 3,175 2,992 3,436  
Upstream leased assets t-CO2 *11 2,461 2,085 1,304 1,191 1,252  
Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 *12 2,083 4,285 3,105 4,291 3,751  
Processing of sold products  Excluded - - - - -  
Use of sold products  t-CO2 *13 10,751,864 9,121,326 9,721,181 10,400,667 11,965,408  
End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2 *14 107,179 76,739 71,954 144,257 216,974  
Downstream leased assets  Excluded   - - - -  
Franchises Excluded - - - - -  
Investments  t-CO2 *15 326 1,284 1,202 - -  
  • *1Global production sites
  • *2Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)
  • *3The entire supply chain
  • *4Multiplying cost of goods and services and the emission factors
  • *5Multiplying cost of facilities investment and the emission factors
  • *6Multiplying quantity of fuels, electricity used and the emission factors
  • *7Multiplying quantity and distance of transportation, distribution and the emission factors
  • *8Multiplying quantity of waste generated and the emission factors
  • *9Multiplying cost of business travel and the emission factors
  • *10Multiplying cost of employee commuting and the emission factors
  • *11Multiplying quantity of vehicle fuel (leased asset) and the emission factors
  • *12Estimation from category 4
  • *13Multiplying quantity of annual energy consumption by end use of goods and services sold, service life, the shipping volume and the emission factors
  • *14Multiplying quantity of waste disposal and treatment of products sold and the emission factors
  • *15Emissions from operation of investments
    Major production companies accounted for by the equity method (shareholding ratio of 20% or more but less than-50%) are managed.
  • *16Global sales (millions of yen) / CO2 emissions from global production sites (t-CO2)
  • *17GHG Scope 1 Emissions : FY2018-FY2022: Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices), FY2022 Target : 13,400t-CO2
  • *18GHG Scope 2 Emissions : Market-based FY2022 target: 106,100 t-CO2
    Location-based FY2022 target: 142,400t-CO2
  • *19GHG Scope 3 Emissions: FY2022 Target: 13,530,000t-CO2


Energy Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Energy Consumption *2 TJ 3,776 2,823 2,243 2,324 1,967  
Total costs of energy consumption *2 millions of yen 4,960 3,921 3,137 3,674 4,225  
GHG Emissions Other than Energy-Related CO2*2 t-CO2 31,092 24,519 11,418 8,102 102  
  Non-energy-related GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O), HFC, PFC, SF6, and NF3 t-CO2 31,092 24,519 11,169 7,955 0  
  CH4 and N2O generated during fuel combustion t-CO2 - - 249 147 102  
Nonrenewable energy consumption MWh 412,485 294,676 230,952 233,807 188,929 *1
Renewable energy consumption MWh 23,436 69,514 66,747 51,844 60,260  
  • *1Total non-renewable energy consumption : FY2022 Target : 247,000MWh
  • *2Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)

Reducing Mercury by Promoting Replacement

Reducing Mercury by Promoting Replacement Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Reduction of mercury in the environment through the prevalence of digital thermometers and digital blood pressure monitors *1 tons/year 56 57 70 66 58 *2
  • *1Healthcare Business; Volume of reduction contributed by replacing mercury-based thermometers and blood pressure monitors with digital models.
  • *2FY2022 Target :Reduction of mercury through the prevalence of digital thermometers and digital blood pressure monitors: 65 tons / year

Chemical Substances Management

Chemical Substances Management Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Use of Chemical Substances (Amount handled) *1 ton 137.9 92.2 62.8 61.5 52.6  
Use of Chemical Substances (Amount released) *1 ton - 5.4 0.6 0.5 0.5  
Use of Chemical Substances (Amount transferred) *1 ton 16.7 17.6 17.6 18.8 8.0  
Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions (20 compounds) *1 ton 136.1 120.3 68.4 55.3 58.0
Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions (23 compounds) *1 ton - - 109.2 96.3 94.7 *2
  • *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)
  • *2Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): FY2022 Target: 106.2 tons

Reduction of Waste

Reduction of Waste Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Recycling Rate
– Japan *1
% 98 98 98 99 98  
Recycling Rate
– Overseas *2
% 76 95 95 94 97  
Total Waste Volume *3 ton 22,219 13,609 9,539 10,245 10,056  
Total Waste Recycled *3 ton 17,473 12,729 9,164 9,746 9,800  
Final Disposal of Waste *3 ton 913 312 267 315 196  
Non-hazardous waste              
Total Non-hazardous waste recycled/reused ton 17,374 11,873 8,268 8,797 8,260  
Total Non-hazardous waste disposed ton 3,639 654 183 290 747 *4
Non-hazardous waste landfilled ton 866 215 102 138 129  
Non-hazardous waste incinerated with energy recovery ton 465 327 48 88 575  
Non-hazardous waste incinerated without energy recovery ton 0 0 0 0 0  
Non-hazardous waste otherwise disposed ton 2,308 112 33 64 43  
Non-hazardous waste with unknown disposal method ton 0 0 0 0 0  
Hazardous Waste              
Total hazardous waste recycled/reused ton 99 856 896 949 953  
Total hazardous waste disposed ton 1,107 226 192 209 96 *5
Hazardous waste landfilled ton 47 97 165 177 67  
Hazardous waste incinerated with energy recovery ton 4 10 0 1 12  
Hazardous waste incinerated without energy recovery ton 0 0 0 0 0  
Hazardous waste otherwise disposed ton 1,056 119 27 31 17  
Hazardous waste with unknown disposal method ton 0 0 0 0 0  
  • *1Sites in Japan (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
  • *2Overseas sites (Production sites, Main sales offices)
  • *3Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)
  • *4Total waste disposed of as non-hazardous waste: FY2022 Target : 319 tons
  • *5Total waste disposed of as hazardous waste: FY2022 Target: 230 tons

Water Usage

Water Usage Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Amount Withdrawn *1 thousand ㎥ 1,734 1,626 1,382 1,208 1,047 *2
  Total municipal water supplies (or from other water utilities) (A) thousand ㎥ 1,184 1,130 925 908 907  
Fresh surface water (lakes, rivers, etc.) (B) thousand ㎥ 11 10 6 5 6  
Fresh ground water (C) thousand ㎥ 539 486 451 295 134  
Water returned to the source of extraction at similar or higher quality as raw water extracted (only applies to B and C) (D) thousand ㎥ 0 0 0 0 0  
Amount Discharged *1 thousand ㎥ 1,458 1,396 1,209 1,047 943  
  Municipal treatment plant thousand ㎥ 1,020 1,017 854 840 852  
River, lake thousand ㎥ 421 363 336 193 79  
Disposal as factory waste thousand ㎥ 0 0 1 0 0  
Groundwater thousand ㎥ 17 16 18 14 12  
Amount Consumed *1 thousand ㎥ 276 230 173 161 104  
  • *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)
  • *2Amount Withdrawn : FY2022 Target:Reduce water consumption at all global production sites by 20% vs. FY2015 result, FY2022 Target : 1,055 thousand m³

Product Recycling and Reuse

Product Recycling and Reuse Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
End-of-use Products Collected *1 ton 333 332 46 43 52  
Products Collected and Recycled *1 ton 316 316 44 41 49  
Ratio of products sold last year that can be reused or recycled % 19.4 21.1 20.7 18.2 18.8  
Ratio of products and materials that were actually reused or recycled by your company, or by a third party you have directly contracted with for this activity relative to total products produced % 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03  
  • *1Social Systems, Solutions, and Service Business

Legal Environmental Assessment

Legal Environmental Assessment Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Measured Values of Air Pollutants NOx *1 ton 11 7 7 3 0.9  
Measured Values of Air Pollutants SOx *1 ton 1 1 0 0 0.2  
Measured Values of Water Pollutants BOD *1 ton 49 40 36 52 17  
Measured Values of Water Pollutants COD *1 ton 108 112 97 132 42  
  • *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)

ISO 14001 Certification

ISO 14001 Certification Unit FY2022  
ISO 14001-certified Sites organizations ISO 14001-certified Sites Total: 37 organizations (As of the end of March 2023)
[Production] 26 sites (Japan: 12 sites, Overseas: 14 sites)
[Non-Production] 32 sites (Japan: 30 sites, Overseas: 2 sites)

Environmental Investments

Environmental Investments Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Investment in Equipment for Environmental Impact Reduction *1 millions of yen 1,381 1,215 379 257 604  
Economic Benefits in a year Resulting from Environmental Impact Reduction *1 millions of yen 238 127 116 84 107  
  • *1Global production sites, development sites, head office

Reducing Containers and Product Packaging Materials

Reducing Containers and Product Packaging Materials Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Usage of Packaging Materials *1 ton 10,219 12,901 11,955 13,046 11,590  
  • *1Global production sites

Saving Logistics Resource and CO2 Reduction

Saving Logistics Resource and CO2 Reduction Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Packaging Materials Used *1 ton 9,231 13,344 14,939 17,851 15,667  
  • *1Global production sites

Violations of legal obligations/regulations of environmental issues in general, including air/water pollution

Violations of legal obligations/regulations of environmental issues in general, including air/water pollution Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022  
Number of
violations of legal obligations/regulations(≥10,000USD) *1
number of cases 0 0 0 0 0  
Amount of fines/penalties related to the above(≥10,000USD) *1 USD 0 0 0 0 0  
Environmental liability accrued at year end *1 USD 0 0 0 0 0  
  • *1Global all sites (Production sites, Development sites, Head office, Main sales offices)
    Data coverage (Sites with required data / Global all sites) : FY2018 100%, FY2019 100%, FY2020 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2022 100%)
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