Perform third party environmental legal compliance assessment at all global production sites
As the OMRON Group seeks to preserve the environment, prevent pollution of the global and local environment, it will ensure compliance with not only laws and regulations but also agreements made with municipalities and their residents in which the Group companies operate. Specifically, in order to avoid or minimize environmental risks and the losses arising from such risks, the Group will keep working on environmental risk management.
In the event of an environmental accident or pollution, the OMRON Group will promptly respond by taking appropriate measures. With the top priority on human life and safety, the Group will work to minimize damage and restore the environment as quickly as possible. At the same time, the Group will ensure business continuity and work to prevent recurrence of the same problems, so as to fulfill our social responsibilities.
In fiscal 2022, globally, there were no violations of environmental-related laws or regulations, and no environmental accidents and complaints either.
To ensure compliance with environmental-related laws and regulations, the OMRON Group is working to strengthen a system to monitor environmental laws/regulations in place that its production sites are subject to and keep track of their revisions, and take measures.
In fiscal 2022, we conducted environmental and safety and health legal compliance assessments (third-party assessments) at 10 of our global production sites to assess the status of compliance with environmental and safety and health laws and regulations.
We will continue to conduct the assessments at all production sites on a cycle of every three to four years to ensure environmental and safety and health legal compliance, including in the prevention of air, water, and soil pollution.
When investigating and remediating soil and groundwater contamination, the OMRON Group forms specialized teams to conduct investigations for remediation measures, as well as to examine and select the most appropriate cleanup technologies.
When we discover contamination at a location based on voluntary surveys of soil and groundwater, we clean the contamination in compliance with the laws and regulations of the country or region where our facilities are located. In the event that contamination is discovered as a result of legal action, we implement remediation measures using methods that comply with laws and regulations, and report monitoring results to the government in question on a regular basis.
The OMRON Group strives to communicate with local residents on a regular basis, taking prompt action to minimize risks posed by business activities to local communities if problems arise.