OMRON Sustainability

Sustainability Targets and Results

Sustainability issues identified through decision process, FY2020 goals, and OMRON's initiatives

Sustainability Issues and Goals

Under SF2030, we aim to maximize corporate value by integrating business and sustainability to create both social and economic value. To this end, we have identified for the first time Material sustainability issues as part of our long-term vision, and set sustainability targets in our long-term targets and medium-term management plan (SF 1st Stage).

SF2030 Targets and Fiscal 2024 Targets

We have set long-term targets with 2030 as the target year and targets for the medium-term management plan (SF 1st Stage) from fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2024.

  Material Sustainability Issues under SF2030 SF2030 Targets FY2024 Targets
Resolving Social Issues through Our Business
Creating social value and driving OMRON’s sustainable growth by resolving social issues through our business
The state of contributing to the sustainable development of society by resolving the social issues tackled Group-wide, namely, achievement of carbon neutrality, realization of a digital society, and extension of healthy life expectancy from the social change factors focused on in SF2030: an aging population, climate change, and economic disparity among individuals
  • Realize growth for sustainability sales*1 of +45% vs. FY2021 as a way to impact the contribution to a sustainable society
Maximizing the Capability to Innovate Driven by Social Needs
Evolving business models, endowing OMRON with the competitiveness required for achieving sustainable growth, and expanding new business generation efforts
The state of continuously generating new businesses by demonstrating our capability to innovate driven by social needs in both existing and new business domains, through actions such as evolving essential core technology development and incorporating it into business models
  • Number of new businesses created: 3 businesses or more
Generating Diverse Talent Taking on the Challenge of Value Creation
Evolving human resources management to bring out the capabilities and skills of OMRON’s diverse talent, who will be the source of OMRON’s sustainable growth
The state of bringing diverse talent together where everyone can succeed, regardless of nationality, gender, or work style, where OMRON provides opportunities for its diverse talent to grow and evolves its human resources management to maximize their capabilities and skills
  • Human resources development investment: JPY 6 billion
  • Ratio of localized key positions overseas: 80% and more
  • Global ratio of women in management positions: 18% and more
  • Hire disabled individuals at 28 overseas sites and maintain 3% level achieved in Japan
  • VOICE SEI*2: 70P and more
Achieving Decarbonization and Lower Environmental Impact
By viewing climate change from the two aspects of opportunities and risks, practicing corporate social responsibility and building further competitive advantage
The state of building further competitive advantage while solving social issues through reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the value chain and establishing a resource recycling model
  • Scope 1 and 2*3: 65% cut vs. FY2016
  • Scope3, Category 11*5: 18% cut vs. FY2016
  • Scope1 and 2*3: -53% vs. FY2016
  • Achieve carbon zero at 76 domestic business sites*4
  • Scope 3 category 11*5: Conduct energy-saving design for new products
  • Transform business model to respond to the transition to circular economy, implement environmentally-friendly design, recovery, recycling, and sustainability procurement
Respecting Human Rights in the Value Chain
As part of our corporate social responsibility, exerting our influence for the respect of human rights for workers in the value chain and at OMRON
In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the state of exerting our influence for the respect of human rights for workers not only at OMRON, but also in the value chain, and establishing a culture and system that does not permit or cause human rights violations
  • Implement human rights due diligence in accordance with UNGP*6
  • Establish a human rights redress mechanism in the global value chain
  • *1Sustainability sales: Sales from focus businesses that contribute to "Achievement of carbon neutrality", "Realization of a digital society", and "Extension of healthy life expectancies".
  • *2VOICE SEI: Sustainable Engagement Index, OMRON's employee engagement survey
  • *3Scope 1 and 2: Greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly from the company’s own operations.
  • *413 production sites and 63 non-production sites (HQ, R&D, sales)
  • *5Scope 3 Category 11: Scope 3 corresponds to greenhouse gas emissions from the company’s value chain. Of these emissions, Category 11 corresponds to emissions from the use of products and services manufactured or sold, etc.
  • *6UNGP: The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Fiscal 2022 Targets and Results

To achieve SF2030, we have set single-year targets in line with the material sustainability issues.
The targets and results for fiscal 2022 are shown below.

  Material Sustainability Issues under SF2030 KPIs FY2022 Targets FY2022 Results
1 Resolving social issues through our business Sustainability sales +15% growth (vs. FY2021) +28% growth (vs. FY2021)
2 Maximizing capability to innovate driven by social needs New businesses created 32 candidates created 37 candidates created
3 Generating diverse talent taking on the challenge of value creation Investment in human resource development JPY 1.6 billion JPY 1.61 billion
Ratio of local staff in core positions overseas 80% 80%
Ratio of women in management roles globally 17.4% 16.6%*1
Ratio of employment of people with disabilities at overseas bases Achieve at 26 bases overseas Achieved at 27 bases overseas
Ratio of employment of people with disabilities in Japan 3% 3.1%
VOICE SEI*2 70P or higher 76P
4 Achieving de-carbonization and lower environmental impact Scope1 and 2*3 51% reduction (vs. FY2016) 62% reduction (vs. FY2016)
Carbon Zero at bases in Japan 9 bases in Japan 10 bases in Japan
Scope3 Category 11*4 1) Complete optimization of calculation methods 1) Completed changing the calculation method of the representative formats of IAB, OHQ, and OSS from catalog values to implemented values.
2) Determine products subject to emission reductions and formulate action plans for reductions 2) Determined products subject to emission reduction for IAB, OHQ, and OSS and completed formulation of action plans
Environmental contribution Complete redefinition of environmental contribution Redefined environmental contribution and set a new direction
5 Respecting human rights in the value chain Human rights due diligence implementation Identify human rights issues Identified 7 potential human rights issues that the OMRON Group will prioritize
Develop mechanism for remedying human rights abuses Global: Develop a primary human rights redress mechanism Global: Established supplier hotlines in all regions
Japan: Establish a pilot human rights redress mechanism using industry mechanisms Japan: Joined JaCER*5 and began trial operation using industry mechanisms
  • *1Aggregated figure for the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries as of April 20, 2023, including OMRON KIRIN TECHNO-SYSTEM CO., LTD., in which investment was completed on April 3, 2023
    The ratio of women in management roles at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31, 2023, was 16.8%.
  • *2VOICE SEI: Sustainable Engagement Index, OMRON's employee engagement survey
  • *3Scope 1 and 2: Greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly from the Company’s own operations.
  • *4Scope 3 Category 11: Greenhouse gas emissions from the Company’s value chain resulting from the use of manufactured and sold products and services
  • *5JaCER: Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights
  • *Fiscal 2022 results on the following sustainability targets will be published in the Integrated Report issued in FY2023 after receiving limited assurance engagements from a third-party.
    -Ratio of local staff in core positions overseas
    -Ratio of employees with disabilities in Japan
  • *The following results for sustainability targets for FY2022 are posted on the OMRON corporate website. These results are subject to a limited-scope assurance by third-party assurance firm Bureau Veritas Japan.
    -Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1/2 and Scope 3, Category 1, 2, 3, 6, 7)
    -Environmental contribution
  • *These limited assurance engagements are in accordance with the International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000, Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).
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