
Cases: Human Resources Development Program

Cases: Human Resources Development Program

Management Training Program to Draw Out the Capabilities of Diverse Human Resources

In its medium-term management plan (fiscal 2022 to 2024), OMRON will achieve business transformation through the evolution of its business model and core technologies. The key to achieving this goal is diversity and inclusion, which brings together diverse human resources who share and resonate with OMRON's corporate philosophy and maximizing the capabilities of each individual.

Through management training, which started in 2022, we improve abilities of managers who lead OMRON, thereby drawing out the capabilities of the diverse human resources gathered at OMRON and accelerating the transformation of our business.

Specifically, we provide training programs to all managers of the OMRON Group with the aim of creating a learning organization (an organization in which diverse human resources honestly exchange opinions and provide feedback to each other, challenge stretch goals they have set for themselves as a team, and continue to grow together while the organization and individuals learn from each other). We provide management training to help employees achieve their goals and to help the organization and individuals continue to grow together while learning from each other. In addition to the acquisition of knowledge, the training aims to improve practical skills, and includes training on "how to create a psychologically safe environment in which diverse human resources can honestly exchange opinions" and "what kind of feedback should be provided to promote employee growth" through role-playing, and feedback from instructors based on questionnaires answered by their subordinates. The program also includes a program in which participants receive feedback from instructors and advice on how to change their behavior based on questionnaires answered by subordinates.

We aim to have 100% of all managers in the OMRON Group participate in this training program by 2024.

Training in the Industrial Automation Business Sector

The environment surrounding the manufacturing industry is undergoing major changes, and social issues related to manufacturing (increasing productivity and profitability, responding to ESG, etc.) are becoming increasingly diverse and serious.

The Industrial Automation Business, which accounts for more than 50% of OMRON's sales composition, has set "5,000 customers adopting solutions that innovate manufacturing (doubling the number in fiscal 2021)" as a strategic goal of the Medium-term Management Plan "SF 1st Stage," and aims to further expand our solution business. The key to achieving this goal is "human resources who understand customer needs and can contribute to solving customer issues." Refining the ability of employees involved in the solution business to analyze issues, make proposals, and improve their engineering skills will lead to gaining the trust of customers.

For this reason, the Industrial Automation Division has developed its own human resource development program for all its employees.

Through this program, we are strengthening our ability to: "Ability to capture latent customer needs and design and propose a roadmap to resolve issues", "Ability to integrate know-how and technology inside and outside the company to lead solutions", and "Engineering ability to implement solutions on site".

In addition, we also provide training to utilize cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, AI, and robotics that are advancing in the Industrial Automation field to solve customer issues.

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